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Aug 21, 2019

If we are what we eat, what kind of person is your food creating?


Luke Tan is an author, educator, and fitness coach on a mission to help people reach their ultimate physical and mental potential by using the A.W.A.K.E. Method to live an authentic, plant-based lifestyle.


The former bodybuilder is the founder of the

Aug 14, 2019

During the 2018 Winter Olympic Games, Switch4Good aired a commercial featuring dairy-free Olympians to fight the dairy industry’s propaganda that that says milk is the key to performance. 


One of the world-class athletes featured in the commercial was Kara Lang Romero


Kara is the youngest woman to have...

Aug 7, 2019

It’s sometimes hard for people to change what they don’t know, and one of the best ways to spread an educational message is through the power of inspiring films. 


Marc Pierschel is a documentary filmmaker who has been advocating for animals personally and professionally for decades. 


He created an online vegan...