Aug 28, 2020
The woman behind Switch4Good is a force of compassion who has lifted herself out of pain, into greatness and is now working in pursuit of a kinder world.
Dotsie Bausch is an Olympic medalist, two-time Pan American Champion, world record holder, mentor, renowned speaker, and founder of the Switch4Good non-profit.
Aug 26, 2020
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in America, and its risk factors mirror those of the coronavirus. Dr. Kim Williams, President of the American College of Cardiology and current Chief of the Division of Cardiology at Rush University, explains the overlap between cardiovascular risk and the deathly serious...
Aug 19, 2020
As an Academy Award-winning documentarian, Louie Psihoyos has seen the world how it really is. He’s seen the best of nature and the worst of humanity, and he uses his art to celebrate the honorable and change the horrific. This conversation spans decades of experience working as a National Geographic photographer,...
Aug 12, 2020
General Motors no longer crash tests on animals because of Ingrid Newkirk. Spay and neuter clinics came into existence because of Ingrid Newkirk. There is more compassion, empathy, and far less suffering in the world because one woman decided to use her human privilege and speak up. Ingrid—the co-founder and president...
Aug 5, 2020
This week on the pod we’re redefining luxury fashion with two emerging icons. First up is Adrian Velarde of Desserto—a Mexico-based company transforming cactus into high-end leather. The new business’s innovative practices sidestep the toxic chemicals used in traditional leather-making and focus on environmental...